
The Power of Happiness

As many of you know, I enjoy learning new things. Currently, I am making my way through an online series on inflammation – and very interesting it is too. It turns out that in the modern world we spend a disproportionate amount of time in an inflamed state, and this has been shown to be the cause …

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The Word for 2022

Happy New Year! 2021 has definitely been a different sort of year. In some ways a lot has been achieved (like launching this website) but so many things have been put on hold too. I’m not great at New Year’s resolutions – they always seem such a good idea, and then life gets in the …

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Dance Classes Vs One-to-one

For the last 15 months, most activities have had to resort to some sort of remote teaching.  We’ve all had to get used to platforms like Zoom, and relying on our internet connections and space in our living rooms. We’ve got used to seeing faces on screen, and following instructions on videos. Most instructors can’t wait to …

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Being Fabulously Flawsome!

No, I’m not making up words – I’ve borrowed someone else’s word. But what a good one! It really sums up the mindset that’s needed for dance and exercise. Nobody is perfect.   Read that again. Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws – and these can be in our personality or in our body movement. Being a perfectionist …

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The Balanced Life

Balance. It’s something some people seem to find very easy, and others not at all. Small children often fall over as their centre of balance is changing constantly as they grow. As we age, balance becomes an increasing challenge. Without becoming too complicated, we all have three balance points: the impetus balance point, sitting just underneath the breast …

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Mind over Muscle

Ever wondered why pilates instructors, and dance teachers for that matter, ask you to use specific muscles for certain movements? I know this is something I do a lot, and it’s not just to show I know a bit about anatomy. When performing a back extension, I might get clients to think about lifting from the …

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Breathing Is Your Friend!

As a Pilates instructor, and as a dance teacher, I get lots of questions and comments about breathing.  And, to be honest, there is a huge amount of information out there on breathing for exercise; breathing for dance, and breathing in general.  So much of it can seem complicated and contradictory. I don’t pretend to …

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