The Word for 2022

Happy New Year!

2021 has definitely been a different sort of year. In some ways a lot has been achieved (like launching this website) but so many things have been put on hold too.

I’m not great at New Year’s resolutions – they always seem such a good idea, and then life gets in the way. But this year I’ve decided to choose a word for the year. The word for 2022 is Strength.

For me, strength doesn’t just mean physical strength, although I could do with improving the strength in my arms and my legs, but also mental strength. The strength to stop procrastinating and get things done. The strength to decide where I want to be and what I want to do and, if necessary, the strength to say no to the things that don’t fit into my plan.

I need to be strong this year for the little things – the wardrobe definitely needs clearing out! And I need to be strong for the bigger things – I must make more time for me.  

I know that the stronger I feel in my body, the better my Pilates and dance practice will be, and consequently the better I will feel.

Building mental strength will enable me to face the challenges of the next 12 months. My aim is to make decisions and act on them. I’ve spent too long mired in indecision, particularly through this pandemic.

It’s time for a bit of get-up-and-go. It’s time to wake up every morning and tell myself ‘I AM strong!’

With a positive attitude to mind and body, who knows where the next 12 months will lead?